The best newer style condominiums in Mississauga under $350,000.

Wednesday Aug 30th, 2017


Showing weekly seletion of condominiums in Missississauga under $350,000 that sell within minutes as they are the best option for buyers looking for the best prices on the market and possible investors looking for rent income. If you have any questions and wish to get more information I can help you crunch your numbers and book viewing appointments. VICTORIA... [read more]

How to win Real Estate Bidding War in GTA

Friday Mar 31st, 2017


Whether you are a first time buyer, looking for a bigger home, or downsizing, investing in real estate is a smart decision – but only if you do it wisely. Bidding wars, unfortunately, may be here to stay so here’s some advice that may help you to secure your next property. 1. Crunch the numbers One of the most important elements in the process of buying a home, particularly if you enter a bidding war, is getting preapproved by your bank or mortgage company so you know exactly... [read more]



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